
What to do if you’re Alone on Christmas

Christmas can be a wonderful time if you celebrate it and you’re with family and friends. But sometimes because of distance, that weird thing your uncle said last year, or just wanting to be by yourself you can’t celebrate it with your family and friends. Here are some things you can do if you find yourself alone on Christmas.


Walking in and experiencing nature can reduce stress and anxiety. Go to a park or local natural area to be one with nature. Local parks are generally opened from sunrise to sunset, meaning you can go anytime during the day on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.


Movie theaters are open on Christmas day. New movies come out for Christmas, and this is an excellent day of the year to see them. Grab a bucket of popcorn, your favorite soda, and get comfy to watch a movie.

Write letters to loved ones

If loved ones aren’t nearby, you can still think about and communicate with them. One great way of communication is by writing an old fashion letter. You know the one you sent of the mail. When you get mail that you want, how does it make you feel? Happy? Excited? Imagine giving those feelings to someone you care about.

You might ask yourself: what would you write about? Write about what you did this week. What you’re planning to do in the new year. Right about your hopes, your dreams, your fears. Ask them questions. Ask them about their Christmas about their new year. Are they going to have a New Year’s resolution?

Finish that project

Most people are horrible at finishing projects. If you’re like me starting them is really fun and exciting, however finishing them can be boring. This will be an excellent time to finish that project that has been half done. On Christmas, you’re free from distractions; it’s your time. You might be asking yourself, why would you want to do this? Why would you want to do something boring on a holiday. You’ll thank me after you finish the project.

Finishing a project gives us confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Plus, you’ll have a new project done. Whatever you decide to finish, there was a reason why you started it. If you ever get bored while working on the project, take a short break. Make sure you time your break with an alarm and when the alarm goes off to go back to the project. Think about how wonderful it will be once your project is finished.

Alone on Christmas

Christmas can be a lonely time If you’re by yourself. But, it doesn’t have to be. It can be a time to enjoy nature, to watch that new movie, to catch up with loved ones, or to finish the project you’ve been wanting to complete.


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Photo of a candle with Christmas decorations. Article about actives to do if you are alone on Christmas


Written by Raven Cohen

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